A.H. Beck creates a foundation of 14 structures for reliable electric power in Northwestern Arkansas under the Flint Creek Power Plant
The Flint Creek Civil Package included drilled shaft foundations for 14 structures utilizing 400 – 30” drilled shafts varying in depth, all requiring rock sockets into competent limestone with strengths ranging from 5,180 psi to 23,240 psi. The erratic nature of the bedrock and the presence of karst limestone at the site posed difficulty where sinkholes, caves, weak seams, and enlarged cavities where encountered. To assure drill shaft integrity, A. H. Beck utilized temporary sectional casings to stabilize the upper layers of fill and clay gravel. AFT performed 5 High Strain Dynamic Integrity Tests and 21 Low Strain Dynamic Integrity Tests – all of which confirmed the integrity of the drilled shafts to be satisfactory. To meet strict new EPA regulations, the schedule was extremely aggressive but A. H. Beck supplied three drill rigs and completed the project on time.