Naptha Hydrotreater (NHT) Project

A.H. Beck installs 42,000 feet of Auger Cast Piles for a fuel refinement project in Whiting, Indiana.

Owner: BP Products North America Inc.

Location: Whiting, Indiana

Solution: Deep Foundations

Industry: Industrial

Techniques: Augercast Piles, Low Headroom Shafts and Piles

Owner: BP Products North America Inc.

Location: Whiting, Indiana

Solution: Deep Foundations

Industry: Industrial

Techniques: Augercast Piles, Low Headroom Shafts and Piles

A.H. Beck installs 42,000 feet of Auger Cast Piles for a fuel refinement project in Whiting, Indiana.


The $300 million NHT Project will significantly reduce the amount of sulphur in the fuel refined and will help meet federal fuel-quality standards. The project composed of installing over 42,000 linear foot of 18 inch diameter Auger Cast Piles (ACP) which also included a Load Test Program that required 2 Compression, 2 Tension  and 1 Lateral load test. The Compression Load Test was tested to 200 tons utilizing A.H. Beck’s Load Test Frames which are capable of testing piling up to 500 Tons. The ACP were installed in both ISBL and OSBL areas of an operating refinery. Due to existing structures the 85’ deep OSBL ACP were installed with only 30 foot of operating head room which required the use of a low head room drill rig and installing the reinforcement in splices over the hole. The work was performed with extensive coordination with the Owner as to not impact the performance of the operating refinery.  The ACP portion of the project was installed on schedule and on budget.