A.H. Beck installs 104 drilled shafts up to 120 feet in depth for a rebuild of the I-95/I-495 overpass crossing the Suitland Parkway in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.
This project constructed for the Maryland Dept. of Transportation is to rebuild the I-95/495 overpass crossing the Suitland Parkway. This was a 3-phase project constructed in very tight access conditions and with oversight by the National Parks Service. The bridges are supported on pile caps with a total of 104 – 30 inch drilled shafts, 110 to 120 feet in depth for this project. A H Beck used an Oruga 250 Hydraulic Rotary Drill rig for the construction of the drilled shafts. The shafts were built using a wet construction method with bentonite slurry stabilizing the excavations through the sands and clays.