A.H. Beck was subcontracted to install 8 shafts up to 124 feet to add support to a failing sub structure on the west side of the active UPRR bridge crossing the Brazos River in Brazoria, Texas.
A.H. Beck, working as a subcontractor to Russell Marine, installed 8 shafts to add support to a failing and fatigued sub structure on the west side of the existing and active UPRR bridge crossing the Brazos River in Brazoria, TX. The shafts consisted of a 90-inch diameter OD by 1-inch wall permanent casing installed in the upper approximately 53-ft followed by an 84-inch diameter drilled shaft to a final depth of 124-ft. Access to the site was very difficult with several constraints including; live power lines, active UPRR Rail Road, Brazos River and sensitive wetland areas adjacent to the right of way. Two of the eight shafts were constructed on the edge of the Brazos River from barges in 10’ of water. Due to the remote location and steep river bank all of the equipment had to be loaded on the barges at a different location and pushed 18 hours up the river. All drilled shaft installations were completed only a couple feet away from the edge of the existing rail road superstructure. The shafts were instrumented and integrity tested utilizing Thermal Integrity Profiling (TIP) to confirm drilled shaft quality.