1119 Commerce Street Project

A.H. Beck installed 59 drilled shafts up to 54 feet along the banks of the Buffalo Bayou through downtown Houston

Owner: Harris County Flood Control District

Location: Harris County, Texas

Solution: Earth Retention

Industry: Commercial Construction

Techniques: Drilled Shafts, Secant / Tangent Piles

Owner: Harris County Flood Control District

Location: Harris County, Texas

Solution: Earth Retention

Industry: Commercial Construction

Techniques: Drilled Shafts, Secant / Tangent Piles

A.H. Beck installed 59 drilled shafts up to 54 feet along the banks of the Buffalo Bayou through downtown Houston


The 1119 Commerce Street Project was a Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) Project designed to improve the storm water movement along Buffalo Bayou through downtown Houston. The existing buildings at the site were demolished and the banks of Buffalo Bayou were restored.  A.H. Beck Foundation installed 59 drilled shafts along Commerce St. and San Jacinto St. to support the existing roadways and bridge foundations.  The 42-inch shafts varied in length along the retaining wall with the deepest shafts of 54 feet along San Jacinto Street.  All the drilled shafts were installed using the slurry displaced method and permanently cased since the top of elevation terminated approximately 8 feet above the existing working grade near the existing street level.